Output 2 Task Title (O.2.)
Developing an Academic Curriculum for Higher Education Institutions in Animation Field
Activity Leading Organisation
Participating Organisations
Animation education is evolving and improving day by day due to the advances in technology and the changing needs of the labor market. Academic education on animation is quite limited in Turkey. Only a few university possess 4-year undergraduate education.
Cartoon / Animation Department, which was proposed to be opened in 2006 under the Department of Visual Communication Design of Erciyes University and accepted by YÖK, does not continue education due to the needs of a current curriculum and infrastructure / teaching staff. In collaboration with this project and partners, a new and updated curriculum on animation education was developed under the coordination of ERU. With the completion of the project, it is planned to continue the animation education at ERU with the curriculum developed. In addition, it is on the agenda to use this curriculum in the curriculum update studies of the Animation Department of Dumlupınar University and use the curriculum in the Animation Department, which is planned to be opened at Akdeniz University.
A guide has been developed for the educators with the curriculum.
This output includes:
- Curriculum (Animation Undergraduate Program Structure: 8 Semesters)
- A guide for Educators to understand goals (see O3 page)
- Course Information and Promotions
- Graduate Profiles and Job Roles
- Graduate Qualifications According to Profiles
- Analysis of Academic Curriculum for Higher Education Institutions
In addition, an academic publication has been produced from this output.
This output has been prepared in PDF format that is easily accessible on the website, not only for easy use, but also after the end of the project. The curriculum is published not only in Turkish but also in multilingual. Thus, the need has been made available to the institutions that need animation education in Europe in Turkey.
You can download the outputs from the table below;
Curriculum (Animation BA Program Structure: 8 Semesters) |
Course Descriptions |
Graduate Profiles and Competency Matrix |
Summary of Competencies |
Graduate Profiles and Job Roles |
Course vs Competencies Matrix |
Analysis of Academic Curriculums for Higher Education Institutions |
Table of Specifications (Information such as Course, Credit, Master / Elective status, University name etc.) |
Target Groups:
- Universities, vocational school, training centers
Division of work, leading tasks and applied methodology for the production of Intellectual output.
UNG has previous experience in curriculum development. For this reason, UNG has been identified as the leader of this intellectual output. The distribution of tasks is as follows;
- UNG Leader,
- ERU co-leader
- WUSMed and UCLL are supporters and partners.
Methodology: It consists of Analysis - Design - Evaluation - Development - Application steps.
-Analysis: In order to develop a curriculum, we need to analyse what ERU needs and what is the standard right now. This step aims to define outcomes of the curriculum according to needs. ERU and UNG is the leader of this step. All partners will take part in.
-Design: During this step, the structure of Curriculum will be clarified. UNG is leader of this step. Other partners will take part in. WUSMed and ERU will be quality assurance during the design step. All partners participated in the study.
-Evaluatation: The draft curriculum was produced and sent to all partners. ERU evaluated the curriculum within its commissions (Visual Communication Design department commission and getting expert opinion from ERU Faculty of Education). In addition, other partners took the curriculum and evaluated it within their own training committees and / or faculty. Partners were allowed to use internal and external experts to evaluate the curriculum.
-Development: The final version of the curriculum was published after each partner's assessment and revisions, and the development phase was finalized. UNG is the leader of this step, in close cooperation with all partners.
- Application (Pilot): As shown in the work plan, pilot courses and course materials for these courses were developed in the 9-11 months of the project. The courses developed were integrated into the curriculum of the ERU Visual Communication Design Department as elective courses and pilot implementation was carried out for 2 semesters. As a result of the evaluation of pilot applications (student satisfaction surveys, expert opinions of the course coordinator, etc.), the related course syllabus (syllabus), teacher guides, course materials (training videos etc.) were revised and finalized. These courses continue to be taught in the curriculum after the pilot implementation. Most ERU is responsible for testing the real situation, but evaluation of the all-new 4-year curriculum by field implementation will take a long time beyond the project dates.
Work Plan and Deadlines: