
The Second Meeting (M2-SLOVENIA)

M2- The second transnational meeting of the Project was held between 07 to 11 May 2018, with coordination of UNIVERSITY OF NOVA GORICA at Gorica, Slovenia (http://ase-erasmus.org/m2.php). The meeting program has been uploaded to the system as an annex (http://ase-erasmus.org/images/pdf/Meeting_Program_in_Slovenia_(M2).pdf).

In the second meeting focused on mainly Output1 and Output2. In addition, some basic issues related to Output3 have also been studied in relation to pilot implementation. 7th May, Monday is arrival day of participants from Erciyes University and UC Limburg. ERU and UCLL arrived one day before the meeting to Meet at Kinemax (local partner cinema in Gorica) on 8th May, Tuesday for Presentation of recent films of animation authors active as mentors at the UNG AU + talks with the authors: Kolja Saksida, Timon Leder, Dušan Kastelic. and also join to Showcase presentations by three Master programme animation students and selected UNG AU student animation films 2014-2017. 8th May, Tuesday was also Arrival of WUSMed participants. 9th-10th May, were “meeting days”, focused on Analysis of sector survey data (Output 1), Working on existing curricula for Animation Education in Europe & Turkey (Output 2), Comparative examination of animation industry needs and existing curriculums (O1-O2), Working on Curriculum Development (General Structure) (Output 2), Working on Curriculum Development (1.st Year Detail Structure + Decisions about Course Materials - content, format etc.), working on pilot course names. Decisions about competency based teaching and methodology for apply to courses. Working on topics about integration of competency based teaching to the new pilot courses.

In addition, a workshop of Erciyes University participants was held with UNG AU students (Use of Photogrammetry Method in Character Modeling Process Workshop), (http://ase-erasmus.org/e2-1.php). Erciyes University participants also visited two animation Studios in Lyubljana city on 10th May (ZVVIKS Institute for Film and Audiovisual Production and Finta Institute of Contemporary Arts). These visits were especially important for the project. Because there is no stop motion animation studio in Turkey. With arranging a technical tour to studios, give an opportunity to project participants observing the working environment in the stop motion animation studios and sharing the experience with the animation project team. It have made it possible to access the necessary information for designing the well-rounded animation curriculum.

Download Meeting Programme

Funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.