"Collaboration to Design an Innovative Curriculum for Animation Education" is a project which is framed at KA2 Strategic Partnership for Higher Education Institutions. The project is going to last 24 months period with transnational meetings, multiplier events, disseminations activities. The main purpose of the project is to design a new and updated curriculum for animation education.
The 4-year academic education at the undergraduate level for the newly developing cartoon and animation sector in Turkey is given to a limited number of universities in our country. Only 2 public universities in Turkey has this department as a bachelor degree. One of this department which is Animation Department was established at 1990-1991 at Eskişehir Anadolu University. The second one is under the Film Design Department and called Animation Film Design and Direction at Izmir Dokuz Eylül University. Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts Animation and Film Department and Erciyes University Department of Visual Communication Design Animation and Cartoon Film Art were offered to Higher Education Institution (YOK) and accepted but they have not resumed any lectures. There are two private institutions providing education at undergraduate level, namely Izmir, Yaşar University Animation Department and Istanbul Maltepe University Cartoon Animation Department, which provide animation education among foundation universities. Apart from these, contribution to the sector is provided by giving courses related to animation field selectively in graphic design and visual communication design sections of fine art faculties.
Erciyes University(ERU) proposed to open the branch of Animation Department under the Visual Communication Design Department at 2006, and accepted by the Higher Education Institution. Unfortunately, the university gave priority to Graphics Design Department more than Cartoons and Animation Major. That’s why the department has not resumed the education. Lack of physical space such as studio, workshop etc. and the lack of experienced academicians are another reason why the department hasn’t resumed.
Nowadays, ERU Visual Communication Design Department wants to resume animation education. In order to do that, department has contacted with its partners from Europe to design a new and updated curriculum which will be used upcoming years.
Partners are University of Nova Gorica from Slovenia, UC Leuven Limburg from Belgium and World University Service of the Mediterranean from Spain. All partners will closely work together during the period of 24 months in order to achieve successful results.
Activities of the project:
- To anaylses the needs and expectation of labour market and the gap between academy and market,
- To develop new and updated curriculum for partners,
- To create new and innovative course materials,
Target Group:
- Educators, Academicians
- Disadvantaged Students
- Higher Education Institutions, Vocational Centers, Training Centers